We are calling on all tarot readers, astrologers, reiki healers, and any other type of practitioner to fill out our survey!

We are still building our site and we want to know what is most important to you about what our site can be. Surveys are the most important part to us about building a site like this. We can build it the way we want it to be, but our site is for you! We want to make sure we have what you are looking for as soon as we start offering memberships.

Our goal is 100 survey entries for each type of survey (practitioner, seeker, and organization) so that all three tiers of membership offer you what you need.

Here’s what we ask in our survey and why:

The practitioner survey goes over a lot of generic and personalized information, and we want you to be comfortable with the whys of what we are collecting. Please know we will never sell your information from these surveys, nor will we use the information for any other purpose than to create a website to support you.

and remember – you can remain anonymous!!

Want to know more? Here are the nature of our questions and why we want to know them

  • A little bit about your type of business (offerings, area, etc)

    • To make sure we are legal in your area (privacy laws followed, etc)
    • To make sure our site functionally supports your offering formats if they are popular (bookings, travel, webinars, etc)
  • A little bit about if you have any kind of accredited or unaccredited degrees, titles, priesthoods, etc

    • Should we need to connect with any institutions for health degrees (like nutritionist) to verify status
    • If there is an overwhelming majority that do not have any tarot or other divination certificates – to show seekers how unimportant they are.
    • Priesthoods also may offer different services, though in some areas must be proven by paperwork.
  • What kind of systems do you use to function in your business (accounting, scheduling, etc)

    • If you already have a system you love, we want to work with it, not against it! For example, if the majority uses google calendar, we will need to make sure we have an automatic scheduling link between them.
  • Important features

    • this one is probably the most obvious. The more people who vote for specific features, the better. Though all of the items on the survey are planned, we might find that 99% of you have no need for a particular feature, so that will go to the end of the list.
  • Pricing

    • yes. pricing! We ask YOU what you think you would think is a fair price for these services!!
  • Profile verification

    • This one is an interesting section because we want to know when a professional should be added to our site. We know that not everyone is “out of the broom closet”, as people say, and we don’t want to out people. So, we ask a couple of questions about the best to do this.

So, the bottom line is, we want your input! Help us make you a better resource to get clients, make money, reach out and heal, change the world or just your community, sell books, or whatever you want this site to help you do. You tell us what you need from us, and we will try to make it happen.



Check out all of our surveys here

or go directly to our survey for professionals here










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