What is a natural witch?

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What is a natural witch?

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Like any other talent or skill, some people have a natural knack for it, while others have to work harder at it. That does not mean the people who have to work harder at it are any less, nor does it mean that those who have the natural talent are less devoted to their practice.

There is also the idea that a person who has witches or other types of practitioners in their family ancestry may have a genetic disposition towards magick. They believe that magick abilities are passed through generations, and the younger generations can tap into that lineage as a source of magick, making the practice of magick much easier for them. Some even go so far as to believe that only those who have practitioner ancestors can practice, but this extreme is not a widely shared belief.

As a third, more simple definition, some define natural witch as a witch who receives and works with nature or natural energies.